
Multiradio: Greater integration and performance, using the new web platform of Windows Server 2008.
“We chose the Microsoft technology because we believe in the integration in the future with other technologies. From this projection we also see the possibility of reuse of resources, because, within the same server to run PHP applications and other ASP.NET.”
Multiradio | Gerardo Ramogida | Systems Administrator

Rizobacter: Implementing Yammer as a social platform for internal communication.
“We are focused on the growth of the company and this project is in addition to other in a synergistic manner to build a common platform of communication, productivity, and collaboration that is critical at this stage of expansion.”
Rizobacter SA | Francisco Novello | Head of Technology and Communications

Central Puerto: centralized Monitoring in virtualized environment generates high availability in mission-critical services
“Central Puerto, one of the generators thermoelectric largest in Argentina, joined their infrastructure the Intel® vPro™ technology to improve care in the quality of IT...”

San Antonio: cost Savings and support for the continuous operation with a solution in the cloud.
“Thanks to the tools of System Center and server virtualization, the company tends to enter the world of the private cloud with the goal of optimizing the physical resources for the entire region”.

Madelan: Control and monitoring systems with a solution based on System Center Essentials by reducing the amount of time and resources involved.
“The fact that you have a solution that automatically monitors every one of the details of the system we removed a lot of pressure”.
Madelan | Diego Gonzalez | Area Manager Systems

Rizobacter: global Expansion with the support of Office365 in the agricultural sector.
“We are in a process of growth that aims to multiply by 2.5 the turnover of the company, and Office 365 is the tool that accompanies that growth with flexibility and effective manner.”
Rizobacter | Ivan Cabrera | Area Manager Systems.